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Heart Harmony 1:1 Sessions with Beth

Be Heard. Be Accepted. Be Free to Live as a Full Expression of Who You Are!


Heart Harmony Sessions with Beth can help you to experience:


Clarity   Confidence   Meaningful Relationships   Peace   Direction


Leave behind what you no longer need and feel forward movement as new perspectives and empowering choices open to you when you experience Heart Harmony.


​Our world is filled with both beauty and chaos. Living with all of the demands and energy around us can create pressure, overwhelm and stress.  We all feel it!   


You can receive support with:

-taking things personally, feeling offended or being defensive

-having difficulty speaking up about what you want or don't want 

-feeling the weight of being responsible for everyone or everything

-being pulled in different directions and feeling stalled to move forward

-not feeling satisfied with your life and longing to feel at peace

-having a hard time kicking a habit you know is causing you harm

-feeling invisible, but deep down wanting to be seen and heard

-feeling ongoing overwhelm or anger about the chaos in the world

-feeling like you can't get it right

-dealing with disillusionment or abuse from religious or "spiritual" teachers 

-holding the burden of guilt or grief from the past

-how to get through to your partner, improve communication and deepen intimacy

-practically anything that is bothering you


Come as you are. Identify why you aren't already doing what you want to do and then

clear the way for it to happen.  Get from where you are now to where you want to be! Beth can help you get there.  





Book Now by emailing​











"Walking into Beth's wellness room is always a delight. Beth is warm and welcoming, she is very adept at making anyone feel at ease and all through the session she shows great empathy and flawless intuition.


I have found my NPA sessions with Beth to be very "easy" in the sense that they flow like a pleasant conversation.  That, to me, is a sign I am working with a very skilled practitioner.  There is no stress, no feeling that anyone is prying, no sense of pressure.


The best part is that in spite of the fact that there was nothing difficult about the experience there are tangible results.  I have experienced, not immediately after a session, but usually some time later, suddenly realizing that something that would previously have caused me stress or worry, suddenly doesn't have that effect on me anymore.  It is as if I am magically stepping into the flow of life and letting it take me.  That works for me!


Annemieke Olsen, Lacombe


What is a Heart Harmony Session?


​Heart Harmony sessions are one hour private sessions tailored to your situation to address areas in your life where you feel blocks, conflict, resistance or fear.  Within the space of compassionate self-inquiry and honest expression, we explore where you are experiencing limitation.  We go to the heart of your current issue and shift stuck energy gently and easily.  When your thoughts, emotions, actions and beliefs are congruent, this alignment can translate into forward movement and freedom.  


​I bring over 20 years of experience and a variety of methods to your 1:1 Heart Harmony sessions. Over the last year, I have found that Joel Young's Non-Personal Awareness (NPA) Mastery tools are the most effective, simple and yet profound ways to create powerful change. NPA shifts perspective and releases personalized identification with old patterns that are no longer serving you.  


NPA helps to identify and shift energy stored in our language.  I tune into the flow of energy as you speak with me and respond to what is blocked using NPA and other methods, neutralizing the charged energy.  When you loosen the grip of how you personally identify energetically with certain experiences, you can truly embody new perspectives and then clear the way for where you want to go.  You set yourself free!​


And...NPA results can be dramatic!   Some clients have miraculous breakthroughs very quickly with one session.  Others need to go at their own pace over time to unravel the layers of what is holding them back.  The cumulative small changes over time can be remarkable. It is possible to rewire your nervous system and restore ease to your entire being.

What People Say


Many people say they feel free to be authentically who they are for the first time in relation to a person, a group or situation.  They often come away from a session feeling lighter and able to express themselves more confifdently in those previous difficult or awkward situations where they felt shut down.  I hear clients say how amazed they are at how quickly they can move to a new perspective and how this creates the space to alter long standing conflicts or blocks and this leads to renewed passion and inspired action.  After your session you may be surprised that you are no longer able to think the same limiting thoughts that were causing you stress prior to Heart Harmony.


Personally, I know that NPA has stretched me in ways I never thought possible.  Several times, I have had the experience immediately after doing an NPA process of feeling that my brain was instantaneously rewiring. As a result of this work, the old personalized identity slipped away and I was unable to think the same limiting thoughts.  Within minutes, the fear that had blocked me was no longer holding me back from what I really wanted to do and I was free to take action.


How Lives Change


"I had the opportunity to work with Beth, and she's truly amazing at what she does.  She used the Non-Personal Awareness(NPA) technique, which was incredibly effective for me.  Beth has a natural gift and I quickly felt safe and heard.  She brings a caring, thoughtful approach to her sessions.  She is not only kind and understanding but also really patient thorughout the process.  The work we did together had a huge impact on me- it shifted my emotions and outlook faster than I expected.  I was blown away by how effective her approach was.  I highly recommend Beth to anyone looking for real and last change.

Mike Niezen, Fort Steele


"I have had several NPA sessions with Beth and each time I have been profoundly moved by how effective such a simple technique can make me feel.  Each session has been different and yet the same in the result.  I am left feeling cleansed and feel very much lighter.  I have found Beth to be an open hearted and kind and yet very professional in her work.  She is truly a gifted therapist and anyone would benefit from her guidance with NPA."

Margit McNaughton


"Beth is a highly gifted and intuitive practitioner who integrates a heartcentered approach to her sessions.  She is kind, patient and compassionate and has gone above and beyond to help me with releasing limiting beliefs.  I highly recommend you experience her energy and expertise!"

MJ, Calgary


Beth has a wealth of knowledge gleaned from her many years of study in many modalities.  In her presence I sensed her compassion, wisdom and passion for healing.  It was like all my cells and thoughts were taken apart and rearranged in such a way that I was better able to cope with the grief I was feeling before I went in...That shift has stayed with me.  I look forward to next time!!! Thank you, Beth.

Deb Elliott, Millarville


How to Get Started

The one hour 1:1 Heart Harmony sessions are primarily by Zoom, but can also be done over the phone if you are not comfortable being on video.  Most people enjoy the convenience of doing a session from their home with Zoom.  Sessions can also be in person at my home based business, Foothills Harmonic Egg located @25 minutes SW of Calgary. 


If you have not worked with me before and have questions, you can book a complementary 15 minute clarity call by emailing me at and we can set up a time.


​There are 4 choices for payment.  I will have my website ready for prepayment very soon.  For now, payment is by e-transfer to


One session - $120+gst, $126


Three Session Prepaid Pack - $330, save $30, ($346.50 with gst)


Six session Prepaid Pack- $600, save $120, ($630 with gst).  Going with this package, gives you the biggest discount.  Essentially, you are receiving one free session.


Six Session monthly, pay as you go - $630, save $90, ($661.50 with gst).  You are committed to a series of sessions and paying monthly.  You will be charged for the first session and automatically charged the 1st of the month for the next 5 months.

The 6 session monthly payment is by credit card and initial payment is either by collecting your information after your first session at Foothills Harmonic Egg or by phone if you are choosing to do Zoom sessions.  When you schedule your first Zoom session, I will contact you for your credit card details.



Your trusted guide Beth, has a wealth of knowledge and experience and is able to hold a sacred space to support you on your healing path, an experience in and of itself not to be missed.

GilliAn Wierenga, Calgary


Whatever your situation is, if you are sick and tired of what is causing you frustration or suffering, I can help.  My commitment to you is to offer a safe, compassionate space for you to be heard, to be accepted unconditionally and to be fully present to where your heart wants to go.


It's possible to reverse self-sabotage, heal past trauma, get clear on what you really want and take action to get it.  If you would like to take that first step towards being even more of the glorious human that you already are, I would be honoured to work with you.


Book Now at


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